A lot of women have trouble when it's time to choose what type of lace they would like to have. The main questions we get asked are, "What is a closure"or "What is a lace frontal"?
What is a Closure?
A closure can come in different sizes, which is a 4*4. 5*5 and so on.. 5*5 is one of most popular lace pieces that everyone is purchasing right now.. A 5*5 closure can be worn as a middle or side part. New to wigs? Looking for something that you can easily maintain ? A closure would be your best option for you..
What is a Frontal?
A frontal is a piece of lace that goes from ear to ear . Frontals are high maintenance . If you do not know how to take care of one, or don't want to go to a beautician every week to two weeks this is not for you. You can get a frontal in the sizes 13*4 or 13*6. Either one would be a great option to choose from. Frontals are also more costly.
With the information that has been given should help you choose which one you would like to purchase. The biggest differences between lace closures and frontals is size, versatility, and cost.